It is Never Too Late to Start Learning Dancing at Dance Classes Plymouth

Dancing is both a vigorous physical activity and a form of art. You need practice and skill to be able to perform well in this art form. But it is a myth to think that there is a certain age to start learning dancing. Believe us, there is no time limit when you can enroll in dance classes Plymouth and follow your passion. You can start it at any age and anytime.


You, however, need to have a certain degree of focus and dedication to learn dancing. Like any decision in your life, where the only person who can hold you back is you, similarly when you decide to learn dancing it should only be your decision based on your interest and inclination.

Let us see why it is never too late to start learning dancing at the best dance studios in Minnesota.


Age is just a number

Yes, that is correct, your age is just a number and cannot hinder in a way to follow your passion. With your advancing age, you may need some extra care to venture into something as vigorous as dancing. But that is not the reason to stop yourself from learning dance. On contrary, regular dance practice can go a long way to improving your physical and mental health. It makes your body stronger and contributes to better cardiovascular health.


The late bloomers

If you were looking for inspiration, then there is no death of it. Do you know Misty Copeland, the female African American Principal Dancer with the American Ballet Theatre, started learning dance at the age of 13 which is considered old enough to start out as a dancer? David Zurak, a famous member of Martha Graham Dance Company started dancing at the age of 23. Martha Graham, Rudolf Nureyev, and José Limón, all started late and were able to ace dancing.


A few advantages of dancing 

Whether you start dancing at 4 or 40, one thing is certain you will always find yourself happy, healthy, and agile. Dancing is a form of anaerobic exercise. It strengthens the core, hips, legs, and tendons. It gives a graceful balance to your body, which can be very helpful in your advancing age. It also helps you keep you mentally alert and reduces stress. Dancing even gives confidence to your overall personality. 


Some precautions while learning dancing 

As you know dancing needs strenuous physical activity, therefore it is crucial that you take some precautions to avoid unwanted injuries to your body. Don’t forget to give yourself a minimum of ten minutes for warm-up before you hit the practice session. A good 10 minutes of stretch-ups, jumping and breathing prepare your body well to see through long practice sessions.


Also, a cool-down time of 10 minutes is also very important as your heartbeats and body temperature are high just after the practice session. You need to normalize your body after the session, so you prevent any stroke or untoward health issues.


So, if you are passionate about dance, don’t stop yourself from joining dance classes Plymouth. Your age doesn’t matter, what matters most is your commitment to follow your passion. RGK Dance Academy is one of the best dance studios in Minnesota. It offers classes and workshops to learn different forms of dances including Bollywood, folk, Semi-classical, and Contemporary performing arts all year round for all ages. For more information about the dance classes, contact experts at RGK Dance Academy.

How to Choose the Best Dance Studios in Minnesota

Yes, you know that learning dance is your calling! But the real challenge, especially for beginners, is not learning but deciding where to start. Finding the best Plymouth dance academy that suits your requirements is a daunting task since every dance studio has its own strengths and weaknesses. They might or might not fit your individual dance preferences.

Don’t worry, we are here with you to offer tricks and suggestions to choose the best dance studios in Minnesota irrespective of the fact that you are a beginner or a candidate for serious dance aspirations.

Enroll into RGK Dance Academy, the best dance studios in Minnesota

If you are a beginner and want to learn dance for recreational purposes

Look when you are a beginner you are fired up by the passion of dance but seldom know the intricacies involved in learning it. Your first step toward learning a dance is to find the true purpose of your dancing. Why are you planning to learn the dance? Do you want to do this for a recreational purpose, or do you want to choose dance as your profession? What type of dance you are interested in? Do you want to join a competition? Answers to all these questions can help you find the true purpose of your dancing and then you can plan accordingly.

Now, it is time to find the right dance studios in Minnesota that suits your purpose. According to your preferences, you can settle for the dance classes that teach recreational and/or pre-professional dance forms. If you are not sure about the purpose then look for the Plymouth dance academy which offers a beginner program for the age group of 11- 15 years.

You can enroll with RGK Dance Academy for Summer Special Bollywood Fit and Fun Workshop. It is a free tryout for both online and in-person participation.

If you are a serious dancer 

Serious dancers are those who want to find their footing as professional dancers. They can enroll in pre-professional or advanced training programs where they can learn Bollywood, street, jazz, hip hop, and contemporary dance forms.

Advanced training programs are for those who are ready to go through a rigorous routine. One is required to attend the dance classes 5-6 days a week to master a dance form thoroughly.

You can join RGK Dance Academy’s Summer Intensive Bollywood Dance Class/Camp for ages 4 to adults. Classes are available in person and online via Zoom. All students will be given an opportunity to perform on the big stage for RGK Dance Academy’s upcoming ANNUAL BENEFIT SHOW “RAFTAAR” (SPEED).

Differentiating factors between good and ordinary dance classes 

Dance means a lot of physical activities week after week. Therefore, to choose what is best for you, you must understand a few differentiating factors between a good dance class and an ordinary dance class.

Safety of a dancer

The best dance studios in Minnesota should have a safe place where the dancers can practice their art for hours. Look for the floor where they practice for the dance classes. Wood sprung floors or “floating floors” are most preferred for a dance room nowadays. This type of floor absorbs shock, relieves stress from joints and bones, and also helps prevent injury.

Instructors at the dance class

A dance studio is as good as its instructors. Invest your time to learn about the instructors of the dance class. A good dancer or choreographer is not always a good instructor. A proficient instructor understands the strengths and weaknesses of the students and teaches steps accordingly.

RGK Dance Academy is headed by an ace dance instructor – Renu G Kumar. She has worked as a master teacher and performer in Modern Indian/Bollywood/Folk dancing in the United States since 1986.

Reasonable pricing 

You should start by comparing the price range of the dance studios in the region and choose one that fits your bill. A word of caution though, don’t automatically choose the one that you find cheapest.

If a Plymouth dance academy charges $10 for admission and another takes $50, naturally you want to go with the most economical option. But if the margin is not much between the two, then opt for the one with a better experience and fine instructors. If a studio delivers value that’s worth the cost, then don’t go with an underwhelming experience to save some extra dollars.


Know the Surprising Rewards of Joining Dance Studio Plymouth

Dancing is hard physical work, no doubt about it. We often look at dance as a form of art and entertainment, but it is also the best method to keep your body healthy and fit. So, joining dance studio Plymouth and learning different dance forms are the sure-shot method to keep yourself fit, agile, and flexible. It also helps keep overall well-being.

Let us discuss a few surprising benefits of dance here

Dance builds strength

Yes, dance helps build the strength of your body, though not like strength training and weightlifting. However, toning and working your entire body each day develops muscle strength. You will always see a dancer has an athletic, strong, and agile body.

Develops power of endurance

As dance means a lot of physical activities, it requires grit to get through the dance classes. When you join dance studio Plymouth you have to stick to a regular schedule, putting hours of hard work week after week resulting in developing the power of endurance. And when your endurance power is high, you feel energized, and last longer in any strenuous work in a real-life situation.

You become dexterous

Dance allows controlled movement of your body parts giving you a kind of dexterity that is otherwise difficult to achieve. Your body posture will be graceful and agile. You will feel more at ease while walking, delicate but forceful in movement, and nimble on your steps.

You develop better body coordination

Dance develops a better coordination of the entire body. Moving at speed without much trouble looks effortless, but it is not so if you are not properly trained. Dance gives you that type of body coordination.

It makes your body more flexible

The flexibility of muscles and body parts is crucial to preventing injury. A dancer’s body is flexible, and with better flexibility they can prevent injuries caused due to sudden stress and crack. Dance improves flexibility and that also gives you a feeling of health and youthfulness even at the advancing age.

Improved reflex action

Since your body is agile and flexible due to regular dance classes, you will experience improved reflex action in your body. Reflex action is important when you suddenly find yourself in a potentially dangerous situation like something falling off in front of you or a car suddenly coming your way. In these situations, you have to put your body away in a second and this is possible only with great reflex which dance can instill in your body.

Better body posture

You will seldom see a dancer with dropped shoulders. They are a bunch of confident and graceful people. Dance keeps their body straight and improves posturing. Right posture also helps build confidence in a personality.

Finding right balance

Dancing is all about balancing and coordinating your body parts. When you learn to dance at dance studio Plymouth, you also learn to find the right balance of your body. It helps in many ways in a real-life situation like you seldom trip or fall while walking if your body has the right balance. The benefit of right balance can be also seen with advancing age.

It lowers stress level

Dancing is a physical activity and results in the secretion of serotonin and endorphins – the anti-stress hormones that help regulate your mood. And there is no secret in the fact that when your stress level is less, your body feels great and is shielded against stress-related health issues like sleeplessness, high blood pressure, anxiety, etc.

Dance helps build confidence

The right amount of confidence can help you achieve many things in your life. While learning dance at the best dance studio in Plymouth, you have to go through various stressful situations that can be tackled only by your confidence. So, learning dance is a natural way to improve self-confidence.

Therefore, learning dance at RGK Dance Academy, the best dance studio Plymouth, has numerous surprising benefits that help improve your confidence, body posture, reflex action, and flexibility. They ultimately make you healthy and fit.

RGK Dance Academy classes also prepare learners for the performing arts. All students get an opportunity to perform in the annual benefit production as well as community and company events. Classes are available for 4 years for adults. Besides the academy is planning a new class mainly for senior Bollywood dance class. Enroll in our classes today!


Friendly Dance Class in Plymouth MN Teaches us to Get out of our Comfort Zone

Dance is therapeutic apart from being a constant source of entertainment. It can influence major aspects of life including work, relationships, leisure activities, and growth. This is because dance or learning dance in a friendly dance class in Plymouth MN takes you out of your comfort zone – the first step towards becoming an accomplished dancer and achieving success in other endeavors.

Dance teaches you various subtilities of life by pushing you out of your comfort zone. So, you can enroll yourself in the best dance studio in Minnesota to learn this art.

Let us see how dance class in Plymouth MN takes you out of your comfort zone.

What is our comfort zone?

When we are in our comfort zone, knowing or unknowingly, we control various stressors to remain in a safe and relaxed state. In the longer run, it can prove to be unfavorable as it stops you to take the necessary risks critical to your progress in life.

The role of dance in getting you out of your comfort zone

It helps you get started: To achieve your goal, you must start at something, and to start anything like your first day at the friendly dance class in Plymouth MN, is always a nerve-wracking experience. Your mind doesn’t feel comfortable accepting things that you might face soon. You might find yourself in an unfriendly company, or your instructor might be uncooperative, and you struggle with many such suspicions. To face these unseen challenges, you must be ready and trust yourself. After all, you are not made of glass! As soon as you realize this, you feel confident and the subsequent days in your dance classes would not be as stressful.
It helps to push yourself: Let us face it, dance is not easy. It is strenuous, you must sweat day in and day out and start all over again the next week. So, dance teaches you to push yourself no matter what obstacle you face in achieving your goals. It also teaches you that perseverance pays off in all difficult situations. And same is true in other aspects of your life.

It instills the habit to do away with excuses: There might be a thousand reasons not to go to the best dance studio in Minnesota like you are not feeling well or your friends are having fun. But when you make a habit of ignoring your inner voice that says you can’t accomplish this then you risk yourself becoming unstoppable! And the same attitude of not resorting to excuses will help you in your professional life to finish off projects on time, get the much-desired promotion, and whatnot. Doing away with excuses gives you the inner strength to accomplish anything.

It helps you express yourself: How often do we find ourselves not speaking up in our classes, at work, in a relationship, or even in a dance class? It is easy to shut up when expressing ourselves is the only way out. Dance teaches you to express yourself truly and let people show your true personality instead of pretending to be someone you are not.

It helps build confidence: So much that you can accomplish in your life is possible only with the right amount of confidence. When you learn to dance at any dance academy, you go through various stressful situations that can be tackled only by your confidence. So, in a dance class, you learn to inculcate confidence in your personality.


An accomplished dancer never takes refuge in his comfort zone. He pushes up boundaries and accomplishes his set goals in all aspects of his life. Enroll yourself in the friendly dance class in Plymouth MN conducted by RGK Dance Academy. It is the best dance studio in Minnesota to learn different forms of dance. For more information about the dance classes, contact the experts at RGK Dance Academy.

Vision & Mission

RGK Dance Academy is continuously working towards preserving and promoting Indian heritage and is committed to helping the community through dances, art, and theater. RGK Dance also supports the community through its annual fundraising productions for different charities and strives to empower women and children, promote diversity and bring the community together.