Chandrika (story of love)

Chandrika (story of love)


– Chandrika (story of love) Academy’s Showcase (2005)

– A benefit for Vibha (A brighter futures for underprivileged children), MN  

– Academy R.G.K. annual showcase Chandrika (story of love) (2005)

  • Chandirka, R.G.K Dance Studio’s gala evening of dance and entertainment. In this show we celebrate the love, pure love, between each other. This is the only thing, which binds us all together.

Vision & Mission

RGK Dance Academy is continuously working towards preserving and promoting Indian heritage and is committed to helping the community through dances, art, and theater. RGK Dance also supports the community through its annual fundraising productions for different charities and strives to empower women and children, promote diversity and bring the community together.